The things hardest to bear are sweetest to remember. ~ Seneca
Sade - Soldier Of Love
I was wondering why I felt the death of Marlene so profoundly. After all, we’ve been estranged for a decade and most people think I don’t give a crap. Marlene’s death is the biggest loss I’ve ever felt. She was a constant companion in the 1990s – I produced her play ‘My Head for Clearer Thinking’ and was in her play ‘The Unfaust’ and her festival called F.O.O.T. We would have tea in her kitchen, go to China-town etc. I went to academic conferences with her in places such as Calgary and Montreal. We made a trip to Banff together. I still have a snow-globe we bought.
I had a brain tumour removed in 2003 and I went into a coma for 5 months. I had a major dream about her although we were not speaking. She is in my subconscious and soul. She is a major part of my memory before the last decade of physical rehabilitation. I am full of pain.
For those of you who knew her and would like to pay your respects, a memorial service will be held on January 4 at 2pm, at the Royal Botanical Gardens in Burlington, at which you would be most welcome. You will find more information at